Keep your grain in peak condition until you are ready to sell.
Achieve target moisture levels, AND preserve protein, oil and starch contents while in the bin.
IMPROVE EFFICIENCY with Grain Bin Automation
Run fans, dryers and heaters only when productive air is present to save on run time costs.
Monitors temperature and moisture levels in every sensor on every cable, providing a complete understanding of grain conditions allowing for proactive management.
Grain-filled bins become zero entry to avoid risk of entrapment.
No need to manually probe grain or climb bins for any reason, data is captured and reported directly to you.
No part of our system requires entry for maintenance.
GAIN PEACE OF MIND with Your Grain Storage
Access your bin data anytime, anywhere from a smartphone, tablet or computer.
Critical bin data presented in an easy to understand 3D view for quick assessments.
System alerts sent directly to you when issues arise allowing you to react quickly.